Sunday, September 16, 2007

Horizontal menu in place

I found another css menu at a list apart and used it for this site. I figured this site doesn't need the suckerfish dropdown menu because I actually don't have a large site in the first place.

I didn't know that horizontal menus are that easy to do. Or I did but I forgot. I remember reading about how Blogger's designer created the horizontal menu at the Blogger home page... Somewhere.

I also made some minor color changes. And I have ads! I applied to Google Adsense last week and after two days got my application approved. So you'll be seeing ads from now on.

Finally, I've accomplished three out of four from my list. But I won't make a theme just yet. I need to tweak and clean up the code. And I'm still finding inspiration for my theme.


SoPhia said...
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SoPhia said...

hey there!
just dropping thru..
i'm a civil engineering student too!